Philanthropic Events on the Horizon
Foster Love - Together We Rise wants to help make your 2019 the most philanthropic to date. On top of our traditional team building service based philanthropic efforts, we are ramping up our nationwide events. Last year we helped children in every state with our programs and this year we want to increase our event impact. We want to reach more kids in foster care across the country through our theme park reunion trips, shopping sprees, and family events.
Our theme park reunion trips will be similar to Disney Days in Anaheim, CA and our previous Six Flags events. We would like to use the event to reunify siblings separated in foster care. Shopping Sprees are a Foster Love - Together We Rise staple, however this year we want to visit more cities and help even more children!
The family events will vary and be similar to our Family Halloween party. We are still ironing out which dates and locations we’d like to pursue. Ultimately we’d like to host more philanthropic events, period.
Where do you come in? With all these new events across the country, we are going to be needing more help. More volunteers, more people who’d like to fundraise, more people who would like to get involved!
Foster Love - Together We Rise is currently solidifying the event calendar. Keep your eyes peeled for updates!