March 31, 2022

5 Benefits of Doing a Team Build with Your Company


Having a healthy work environment and a sense of fulfillment is important to people in today’s workforce. Many companies are achieving this by implementing team build events into their workplace culture. And it’s no wonder why, as studies show that when employees feel like their company actively invests in their happiness and wellbeing there is a significant decrease in missed workdays due to stress. This means an overall increase in productivity and company loyalty.

Team building activities are important for the growth and happiness of your employees. There are many different types of team build activities that your company and employees can benefit from. There are company outings, teamwork-inspired games, or volunteer projects.

Offering a team build that also supports a cause and positively impacts the community can help give your employees a sense of purpose. If you’re looking for a way to strengthen your team through social responsibility, consider doing a charitable team build event with Foster Love - Together We Rise! Here are our top 5 reasons you should participate in a charitable team build.

1. Creating Connection

Creating connections between departments can be a challenge, but it can be done with the right mindsets and tools! A team build activity is a great opportunity for making meaningful connections between people who normally do not work together. This can drive collaboration and improve communication to make your company’s business processes more efficient.

Do you want peers to engage more with each other? Team builds can also be a great starting point for forming social connections and developing a family culture in the workplace. Creating an environment where people are comfortable enough to be themselves builds morale and confidence in your employees.

2. Improve Teamwork

Embracing teamwork in your company is a powerful tool for achieving success. In the words of Henry Ford, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Improve teamwork with a team build event that encourages employees to work together towards a common goal.

The outcome will encourage your employees to share ideas and responsibilities which will benefit everyone and help reduce workplace stress. Consider doing a hands-on charitable team build by building bikes for children in foster care and create a sense of unity within your company!

3. Enhancing Communication

Team building exercises help enhance communication by breaking down barriers so that people feel more confident asking questions or sharing ideas for projects they are working on. This ultimately results in increased productivity and greater engagement among workers. Providing ways for your employees to build good communication skills can help create an ideal work environment and improve happiness! Experiencing some drama at work? Developing strong communication skills and building social connections through a team build event is a great way to mitigate workplace conflict among teams and coworkers.

4. Encouraging Creativity

Finding ways to encourage creativity in the workplace can create a stimulating work environment and boosts employee morale. This helps to strengthen the development of employees to think outside of the box and find innovative solutions. We also know that doing a creative activity is one of many ways we can help reduce stress in our lives! Consider helping your employees reduce stress by having a fun and creative team build activity, such as sponsoring a Sweet Case virtual service project and bringing a smile to children in foster care.

5. Building Trust

When it comes to teamwork, building trust is essential for success. Coworkers that do not trust each other can waste valuable time and contribute to a toxic work environment. A team build activity helps generate trust by giving participants a challenge in which the goal can only be achieved by supporting each other. Learning to trust your peers boosts morale and helps create a supportive environment for your employees to grow and succeed!

In Conclusion

So, what are you waiting for? Get your team together and do something fun! Consider partnering with Foster Love - Together We Rise to do a charitable team build activity. Your team benefits from better communication skills and improved teamwork while helping enrich the lives of children in foster care. Participating in one of these events is sure to create memories that will last a lifetime and help your team connect on a deeper level. Contact us today to plan a charitable team build with your company!

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