Dec. 6, 2019

5 Ways to Help Kids in Foster Care During Christmas

Do you want to know our top 5 ways to help kids in foster care during Christmas? Of course you do! You care about your community and are excited to find ways to make a difference. You understand how important the holidays can be for children. Especially for children who are missing their families. Let’s get this countdown for good started.

1. Start Small and Make a Donation

Okay, you wanna find ways to help kids in foster care but don’t know where or how to get started. Well, luckily you can always start small. Make a donation to a charity that supports kids in foster care. While this is an indirect form of helping, there are hundreds of nonprofits that help kids in care and this is a way to make a monetary difference with very little energy on your behalf. You can even make a donation on a Sunday in your pj’s before breakfast. That is as simple as it can get when helping kids in care.

2. Donate Tangible Gifts

So you wanna help, but you love shopping. Great! Make a tangible donation to help a child in foster care. The best approach is to contact an agency or foster care nonprofit near you and ask what they need. Each group is different and works with varying types of ages and children. This is a great way to fill a tangible need that is specifically wanted. Plus it gives you the chance to connect with other advocates in the foster care community. We see that as a win-win.

3. Partake in a Service Project

We are turning up the commitment level now with a service project that helps kids in care. There are all types of services projects out there but considered partaking in one that brings joy or solves a problem for kids in foster care. What is great about service projects is that you can do them alone or get your friends and family involved.

Pro-tip, if you are extremely interested in service projects that benefit kids in foster care. Consider doing one that can also count as team building for your work. Many workplaces match donations and it is a very powerful way to get your coworkers involved in helping the community.

4. Become a Mentor

We are intensifying the commitment level with this one. Becoming a mentor through groups like CASA is a direct way to help kids in foster care. Obviously, this requires both time and money. But think about how awesome it will be to help a young person who needs some stability.

Again, we acknowledge that this is not for everyone. But if you have ever considered being a direct support, this path would be great to look into.

5. Get Licensed Already!

This is not for the weak of heart. We are specifically talking to you, the person who has thought of fostering for a while. The person who googles foster care stories and creeps the hashtag #foreverfamily. We know that making the leap into parenting is not something to take lightly. But we encourage you to look into the next steps and open heart and home to the possibility of helping a child.

To Conclude

If you are still lost or ready to help a kid in foster care right now. Contact us, we’d love to help you settle on a way to help kids in foster care within your community.

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