Jan. 27, 2022

Bush Animal Clinic Help Local Foster Youth With Together We Rise


Since 2015 the Bush Animal Clinic has partnered with Foster Love - Together We Rise to help local foster youth. Together with the local community Bush Animal Clinic in Albany, Georgia raised enough funds to sponsor five different service activities. This year their goal is to fundraise and give bikes to foster youth at the Necco Foster Care Agency.

Why Give Bikes to Kids in Foster Care?

There are several ways to get involved with Foster Love - Together We Rise, one way is to sponsor and participate in a bike building service activity. Often children in foster care miss out on simple childhood joys, like learning how to ride a bike. So Foster Love - Together We Rise started the bike build program over a decade ago to ensure that all kids, regardless of their foster care placement, can enjoy the freedom and adventure a bike brings.

The Team At The Bush Animal Clinic Agrees

The Bush Animal Clinic team is looking to raise $1,000 to help local foster youth and gift them bikes. Hospital Manager, Kaley Hart said in an interview with WALB that many of the foster kids are teenagers and bike riding gives them an escape from their struggles. The Bush Animal Clinic’s social media outlined their “Spring Into Action” efforts, stating,

Picture it! You’re 7 years old again, wind in your hair, peddling away. How did that make you feel?
Let’s donate that feeling to a foster kid in need!

We are working with Foster Love - Together We Rise to rasie money for our LOCAL foster kids here in Albany, GA for bicycles. ?‍♀️
Our campaign is titled, SPRING INTO ACTION. We believe excercise will help with the stressful environment the average foster child deals with on a daily basis.

On average, a child will move foster homes 4-6 times while in the system. Youth navigating this system can often lack a sense of normalcy or feelings that they can completely be themselves. Most foster youth do not have many possessions or have access to typical childhood activities. Our local firestation will be helping put the bikes together, we will then hand them over to the foster care organizations. ?

Thank you for any of your help, and if you can’t donate, please SHARE this post!
We are hoping to complete our goal of raising $1,000 by April 1st. ?

Want to Help Bush Animal Clinic Team Reach Their Goal?

If you’d like to help the Bush Animal Clinic team reach their $1,000 goal, you can contribute to their fundraiser here. Any amount is helps and we would love to see them reach their ultimate dream goal of providing a bike for all 90 children that the Necco Foster Care Agency house.

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