July 29, 2014

Day 11: Old and New Friends In Ohio


We left the 313 (Detroit) and headed through the corn fields to our 11th stop Columbus, Ohio. Ohio feels like a second home to us because of the support from our friends at the Dave Thomas Foundation. A shout out to them for letting us ship some boxes filled with clothes to their office.

The Dave Thomas Foundation is an amazing organization that help children across the United States find their forever family. The Dave Thomas Foundation has been amazing to us and have supporting us through many events including being a HUGE sponsor for our Adoption Festival we hold in November. If you want to learn more about becoming a foster parent or adopting you can visit them at www.davethomasfoundation.org

We also are thankful to our interns who stuck with us even after their internship ended. So a special thank you to our forever friend, Shannon Ball, for being a continuous TWR supporter even after your internship.

This tour wouldn’t have been possible if it wouldn’t have been for the hard work and long nights our current interns have put in organizing this tour. For their amazing efforts we applaud them and can’t thank them enough for their hard work. Also, a big thank you to the friendly staff at Franklin County Children Services for hosting the event venue.

Ohio was also full of friendly teens thankful for their clothes. One teen went and shook every volunteers hand before they left with their new clothes to thank them for holding this event. There was even a rock, paper, scissors battle between two teens on who was going to do the media interview. Matthew pulled through with the win and was able to be interview by the local Columbus newspaper. We are humbled by this teen’s gratitude and can’t wait to continue and expand our work.

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