July 18, 2014

Day 3: Things were heating up on tour in Phoenix

Things Were Heating Up Pheonix


Toyota and Foster Love - Together We Rise help donate clothes to foster youth

We left Sin City behind and started to make our way to our next stop: Phoenix, Arizona. After leaving Vegas we felt energized by the amazing teens we got to meet.

Around 12 am a large “POP” and “SCREECH” were heard from our 24-foot trailer hauling all our gear across country. As we all got out to examine, we instantly saw our tire in shreds. So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work to replace the blown out tire.

There we were on the road again, a little behind schedule but still in positive spirits. That is until we hear another “POP” and the truck turned silent. At 2 am we surrounded the trailer again to realize we had another flat tire. With no sleep and a 5am wake up call lingering in our future we all grabbed a Monster and went work.

We fixed the flat tire and continued on to Phoenix. We got there with little time to spare so we all took a 30 minute nap, showered, and then made our way back into the truck to meet up with the local Fox news to do an interview.

It didn’t take long before it was 106 degrees outside and the children started lining up. We hadn’t slept, but we chugged another Monster, turned up the music, and the show went on.

It took the first smiling kid to reenergize us and get through the day to make sure the kids of Phoenix were taken care of. It was all smiles and new clothes for the kids of Phoenix. With their images in our mind we knew the trip was definitely worth it! Each teen picked out a hat or beanie, two t-shirts, one TWR shirt, a pair of socks, and a goodie bag with 3 shirts and some other gear.

A special THANK YOU to our sponsor Monster for fueling us through this rough night. It’s the small things that get you through the day or in our case the whole night and two flat tires! Now it’s time to put on our boots and head to Texas!

Check out our video here!

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