Feb. 15, 2019

Golf for Duffel Bags for Foster Kids


Last week, our Donor Relations Manager Steven flew to Orlando, Florida to play golf to raise money for duffel bags for foster kids! Santa Rosa Consulting invited us to the Santa Rosa HIMSS ’19 Topgolf Event, where over 100 employees hit the green for kids in foster care.

We had a blast playing golf with so many wonderful people! For every hole in one, Santa Rosa Consulting donated $20 to Foster Love - Together We Rise. After the fun day of golfing, Steven gave a brief presentation on the statistics of foster care to Santa Rosa Consulting staff to help paint a picture of the foster system in the United States. Every attendee was touched by the heartfelt stories and heartbreaking statistics about kids in foster care. We were so happy to share this information, showing the challenges that youth in foster care often have to navigate.

At the end of the night, Santa Rosa Consulting awarded Foster Love - Together We Rise a check for $5,000! This extremely generous donation will go towards providing Sweet Cases duffel bags for 200 kids in foster care in Orlando, Florida. Our Sweet Cases help make transitions easier by providing each child with a duffel bag filled with comfort items, like blankets, stuffed animals, hygiene kits, crayons, and coloring books. 

The employees of Santa Rosa Consulting truly made a difference in the lives of foster youth in their community. Thank you to Santa Rosa Consulting for hosting this event; we hope to partner with them again next year!

You can make a difference in your community too! Click here to start planning a team-building event for your workplace. You can read more about other team-building events in Florida here. You can also click here to read about other corporate social responsibility activities you can do with Foster Love - Together We Rise.

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