Feb. 27, 2020

Kids in Foster Care Celebrate Their Birthdays with JetBlue


JetBlue is turning 20 this year! To celebrate they are helping kids in foster care celebrate their birthdays too. This week we flew out to Orlando for our first joint birthday party of the year. Not even the rain could damper this party of parties!

Why Does JetBlue Care?

JetBlue is a longtime partner of Foster Love - Together We Rise. They continue to find ways to support kids in foster care nationwide with builds at their major terminals. This year they decided that we can do better together and got the brilliant idea of celebrating their 20th birthday with kids in care. The JetBlue website states,

JetBlue’s mission is to inspire humanity – both in the air and on the ground. We are committed to giving back in meaningful ways in the communities we serve and to inspire others to do the same.

With their 20th birthday initiative, they will certainly inspire others and lift the spirits of children from coast to coast.

How JetBlue and Kids in Foster Care Celebrate

The day of the party excellent! We over planned and had a DJ, balloon arches, a snow cone machine, and delicious cupcakes. We set up stations for the kids to walk around and collect stamps for the play passports we made.

The kids could sing karaoke and one of the younger boys used his second song to thank the social workers who help him. It was such a kind gesture during a day that was meant to celebrate him.

Our favorite moment of the party came when a shy boy sang “Rise Up.” Everyone started to feel emotional and we later found that this particular boy has been having a rough time connecting with his peers. His social worker shared,

I am so proud of him for doing this today. Next time I see him having a rough time, I will tell him to ‘Rise Up’ in hopes that he can remember how much fun he had today and he is capable of rising up.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we want to thank JetBlue for helping kids in foster care celebrate their birthdays. To help more kids celebrate their birthdays, check out our birthday box team builds here.


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