Verition Partners with Together We Rise to Support Foster Youth
Foster Love - Together We Rise is only as strong as its volunteers and partners. Without their support and dedication, we would not be able to reach as many foster youth nationwide.
One of our greatest joys is connecting with organizations that want to make a difference in their community. Verition Fund Management LLC (“Verition”) is one of our outstanding partners whose commitment to community is admirable.
Who is Verition?
Verition is a multi-strategy, multi-manager hedge fund firm that became an official partner last Giving Tuesday. As an asset management firm, they believe in making strong investments. We can’t think of a better investment than supporting children in foster care. Every social issue seen in our society impacts foster youth at higher rates than the general population.
Verition believes helping the community is important because it not only fosters a more caring and collaborative work culture, but also allows the firm to have a positive impact on the communities where it’s employees live and work.
Volunteerism is a part of the corporate culture at Verition and they believe giving back to the community as a firm inspires a broader company-wide volunteer culture. In turn, this culture may empower employees to do their own part in affecting a positive change in the world in their lives outside of work. Verition’s partnership with TWR continues to inspire them to further engage in activities which support their local communities.
In conclusion, we want to thank the Verition team for prioritizing the community and supporting foster youth. Our hope is that this inspires other organizations to begin to prioritize the community they serve and start giving back to the most vulnerable. Together we can create lasting change in foster care.
Thank You Verition
In conclusion, we want to thank the Verition team for prioritizing the community and supporting foster youth. Our hope is that this inspires other organizations to begin to prioritize the community they serve and start giving back to the most vulnerable. Together we can create lasting change in foster care.
Connect with us here for information on becoming a corporate partner.