March 3, 2020

When Do You Know You’re Ready to Foster?

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When do you know you’re ready to foster? We recently received a copy of the handwritten letter from a child professing their goal to foster. A beautiful note! One that got us thinking about how others chose to become foster/adoptive parents.

So, to help give us more insight into how people knew they were ready to foster, we asked our audience. Here is what they said.

Save the Children

This was me! At 9 years old I asked my mother to foster and adopt kids. Every time I saw the Save The Children infomercials my heart shattered. I grew up, became a foster parent and adopted my children. -Jo H.

Destined to and Ready to Foster

When I was 17 I saw a show on PBS about a couple who fostered and adopted 19 kids that we labeled UNADOPTABLE…They came from Vietnam and had no arms or legs and considered disabled. They are such a loving family and all helped each other. I knew at that exact moment I was destined to foster/adopt. I have had 16 kids pass through my doors and all found homes. Recently, I have been blessed with a beautiful 10-year-old Girl. She is the perfect ending to what I’ve always prayed for. -Marie S.C.

Not All Families Look the Same

I was in first grade. I told my mom I wanted to adopt kids who didn’t have a family after a girl at my school was adopted by one of the teachers. That is when I found out not all families are like mine. -Jen B.

We All Deserve Someone To Love

I believe it was first grade when I learned about foster children I instantly knew I wanted one and I’ve wanted one ever since I know one day I might and if not I’ll work in group homes to help them or state-run facilities for the kids who have had a harder time in life everyone needs love no matter how their life started out we all deserves someone to care for us before we know how to I believe it was first grade.

I learned about foster children I instantly knew I wanted one and I’ve wanted one ever since I know one day I might and if not I’ll work in group homes to help them or state-run facilities for the kids who have had a harder time in life everyone needs love no matter how their life started out we all deserve someone to care for us before we know how to love. -Vannah K.

Inspired By A Best Friend

My best friend growing up was adopted so I knew from the age of 5 I wanted to adopt kids one day. I have a kidney disease so my husband and I chose to not have our own. I’m a teacher and see kids in foster care all the time and we felt that God lead us this way. We have fostered for almost two years and have had 5 kids in our home. One day I know we will be able to adopt a few of them! -Mandy F.

My Social Worker Mother

This could have been my paper; I knew when I was 8 years old. My mother was a social worker with NM CYFD when I was younger and I often would be at her office when calls for emergency placement of children came in. My boyfriend and I are applying as Foster parents. -Layla D.R.

Letters to Santa

My wife has a similar letter she wrote to Santa as a kid. We now have had six foster kids. Just adopted two and adopting a third this month. She got her wish. -Tommy A.

The Calling

I recent became a widow and went to a luncheon hosted by social services and a nonprofit seeking help from churches to find foster home. I left not knowing what my church could do, but very aware of what God was calling me to do. My then 17 daughter told me she always wanted us to do that. I’ve now fostered 36 children in 13 years ages newborn to 8 years old. I am blessed. -Wendy M.

Planned and Ready to Foster Since

At age 9, my 4th grade teacher showed us The Girl Who Spelled Freedom and I knew immediately that I wanted to host refugees and be a foster parent when I grew up. I also didn’t anticipate getting married, but eventually adopting a girl and being a single mom. I ended up getting married after all, and we fostered two refugee teens, then a domestic child, had two biological children among caring for our foster kids, and this month we are anticipating adopting our 3rd child, a teen – my girl I dreamed of adopting when I was a kid. When I told her the story of how I always just wanted to adopt a girl, she danced around the house cheering that she had been planned and wanted – it doesn’t just apply to birth kiddos! -Susan M.Z.

How Can You Argue with Logic

I watched Martian Child and a line he said has stuck with me my whole life. ‘How can you argue with the logic of loving a child that’s already here.’ From that moment on I knew down to my depths that I would be an adoptive parent one day. I am extremely lucky and thankful my husband feels the same. One day, hopefully, sooner than later. -Paige S.

Big Sister to Foster Parent

In college, a family from our church that I loved dearly was taken in foster care. I instantly went to get licensed as a big sister so I could keep in touch with them. I knew from the first time I picked them up, that I’d be a foster parent someday. -Shannon K. 

Breaking the Cycle

Our neighbors used to call the cops on my parents when they’d get into huge fights where my mom was breaking and smashing and yelling and hitting… surprisingly we were never taken away. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to foster to adopt to give kids who grew up in homes like I did a stable environment full of love and kindness and understanding. – Amanda C.

Broadway Annie

I was about 9 yrs old. My Mom had come back from NYC and brought me the album from the Broadway musical Annie!. I listened to it. I asked my mom to explain the story to me. Once she did, I just couldn’t understand how children couldn’t have parents that wanted and loved them. It was from that moment I always knew that I would be a foster and adoptive parent. God put it in my heart and I never let it go!!! I was so blessed to have that dream fulfilled. -Laura G.

Reading Opens Doors

 I read “The Great Gilly Hopkins” when I was in fifth grade. It always stuck with me. Hoping to be certified in the next year. -Heather B. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we want to thank everyone for sharing their stories about wanting to foster. May those foster parent dreams become a reality.

Interested in adopting? So, what is stopping you? Learn the cost here.

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