• "Proud" foster mom retires after raising over 40 children.
    July 26, 2024

    88-year-old 'proud' foster mom retires after raising over 40 children

    Feel Good Friday

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  • Utah mom says foster care helped while she battled addiction.
    June 17, 2024

    Utah mom says foster care helped while she battled addiction


    Hanna, whose last name we won’t use to protect her and her young sons, said she was driving to church six years ago with her now ex-husband when a police officer pulled them over. “My children weren’t strapped in, and they were within reach of (drug) paraphernalia,” Hanna said. “That’s the truth, and they were removed.”

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  • Ava-Adoption-1
    June 14, 2024

    Room for Love: Expanding Our Home for Ava's Adoption

    Adoption Stories

    Today, we are excited to share the heartwarming journey of Ava, a bright and resilient 7-year-old girl who finally found her place in a loving home. Despite already having five sons, the Smith family made the remarkable decision to expand their home to welcome Ava after years in the foster care system.

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  • Aiden-Adoption_4
    June 12, 2024

    Forever Family Found: A Teen's 6-Year Adoption Story in California

    Adoption Stories

    At Foster Love, we're honored to witness the incredible journeys of children within the foster care system, each one filled with its own unique challenges and triumphs. Today, we're thrilled to share the inspiring story of Aidan, a young boy who defied the odds and found his forever family.

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  • Autumn_Adoption-1
    June 6, 2024

    Adopting a Teen: The Heartwarming Journey of Audrey and Sam

    Adoption Stories

    Adopting a teenager is often shrouded in misconceptions and unwarranted fears, but Audrey and Sam's heartwarming journey to parenthood dispels these myths, revealing the profound beauty and unique joys that come with welcoming an older child into a family.

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  • Rubino-Adoption-1
    May 30, 2024

    From Foster Care to Forever: Capturing the Rubino Family's Journey

    Adoption Stories

    Meet the Rubino family. Their adoption journey began when their son was placed with them at just six days old, straight from the hospital. Welcoming him with open arms, they were filled with love and excitement, knowing he was to return to his birth family in three months However, circumstances changed unexpectedly.

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  • Aging_Out_of_Foster_Care_1000x500 copy 2
    May 24, 2024

    What Happens When Kids Age Out of Foster Care?


    Aging out of foster care represents a pivotal moment for many young individuals. It signifies the shift from a protective and nurturing system to the reality of independent adulthood. This transition brings with it distinctive challenges and opportunities that can profoundly influence their future paths.

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  • Adoption_Luke_25_Foster_Homes
    May 21, 2024

    11-Year-Old Boy Finally Found His Forever Home After Being in 25 Foster Homes

    Adoption Stories

    An 11-year-old boy in Arkansas finally found his forever home after being in 25 foster homes in the span of four years.

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  • how-long-can-a-child-stay-in-the-foster-care-system
    May 17, 2024

    From Placement to Permanency: How Long Can a Child Stay in Foster Care?


    The journey through the foster care system can be fraught with uncertainty and emotional turmoil, both for the children who find themselves in its midst and the families striving to support them. Understanding how long a child can stay in foster care and the factors influencing their length of stay is crucial for those committed to advocating for these vulnerable lives.

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  • Foster_Care_Adoption_Steps-1000x500 copy 2
    May 10, 2024

    How to Adopt from Foster Care: Key Steps and Tips


    Adopting from foster care is a rewarding journey that provides a permanent, loving home to some of the 120,000 children currently waiting for adoption in the United States. Each year, about 50,000 children find their forever families through the foster care system, but the process can be complex and requires careful navigation.

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  • 7_Ways_to_Help_1000x500 copy
    May 6, 2024

    Seven Heartfelt Ways to Support Children in Foster Care


    From small gestures of kindness to more significant acts of advocacy, there are numerous ways we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children in foster care.

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  • What_Is_Foster_Care_Awareness_Month
    May 1, 2024

    Shedding Light on Foster Care Awareness Month: Why It Matters


    Every May, we celebrate Foster Care Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by children and youth in foster care, as well as recognizing the contributions of foster parents, caregivers, social workers, and volunteers who support them.

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  • How_Foster_Parenting_Works
    April 22, 2024

    The Heart of a Home: Understanding How Foster Parenting Works


    Foster parenting represents one of the most generous and courageous responses to a pressing need within our communities – offering sanctuary, understanding, and a nurturing touch to children during their most challenging times.

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  • Birthday_Palooza_2024_1000x500
    April 19, 2024

    Dinosaur-themed Birthday Party for 200 Children in Foster Care

    Events Recap

    Last weekend Kidspace Museum in Pasadena, California, witnessed a heartwarming celebration like no other as Birthday Palooza, Dino Romp & Stomp took center stage. This event, a collaboration between Foster Love, Kidspace Children’s Museum, Make Good, and Hope In A Suitcase, brought together 200 children from foster care for a day filled with joy, learning, and unforgettable memories.

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  • Who-Funds-Foster-Care
    April 15, 2024

    Who Funds Foster Care: Nurturing Future Generations Together


    Foster care systems worldwide shoulder a significant responsibility in fulfilling this promise, ensuring that every child has a safe, loving environment in which to grow, even when their original homes face insurmountable challenges. But this crucial mission doesn't stand on intentions alone; it's the quiet cadence of benevolence and provision that sustains it. Today, we unveil those sources that nurture the roots and wings of our future generations.

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  • Why_Do_Foster_Parents_Get_Paid
    April 8, 2024

    Why Do Foster Parents Get Paid? Understanding the Heart Behind the Support


    Foster care is a critical system designed to provide temporary homes for children and adolescents who cannot safely remain with their birth families. While the primary focus is on the well-being and safety of the children, many wonder about the financial aspect of foster parenting. Why do foster parents receive compensation for their services?

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  • Disney_Days_Disney_World_2024_1000x500
    April 2, 2024

    Siblings Reunited at Foster Love's Disney Days: A Heartwarming Tale of Family and Magic

    Disney Days Feel Good Friday Events Recap

    The last time Amy saw her brother Zach was when they were removed from their biological parents home 3 months ago and placed in separate homes. For the first time in months, the pair was able to see each other at Walt Disney World.

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  • How_Charity_Tax_Deductions_Work
    April 1, 2024

    How Do Charity Tax Reductions Work? Understanding the Impact on Foster Care


    When we think about supporting children in foster care, our first thoughts often turn to images of loving families opening their homes and hearts. But there's another layer of aid that operates quietly yet powerfully behind the scenes, empowering our contributions and extending our generosity even further. It's the tax system, providing incentives for charity through deductions.

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  • Why Social Workers Leave The Profession
    March 18, 2024

    Understanding The Departure: The Challenges Social Workers Face in Foster Care


    In the heart of every community are the unsung heroes who bear the weight of our collective challenges—social workers. These are the stewards of hope in the foster care system, tasked with the noble cause of nurturing, advocating, and creating change. Yet, despite their integral role, many depart from the field. It's a complex departure, woven with threads of adversity that tug insistently at their resolve.

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  • What_Do_Social_Workers_Do
    March 11, 2024

    The Unsung Heroes of Foster Care: Understanding The Role of Social Workers


    In the tapestry of our communities, social workers are the threads that bind, their impact often silent but deeply woven into the framework of lives changed and saved. Today, we draw back the curtain to illuminate the role of social workers in the sphere of foster care—a sanctuary for children who need it most.

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  • Who_Cannot_Be_a_Foster_Parent_1000x500_2
    March 4, 2024

    Who Cannot Be a Foster Parent?


    When considering stepping into the crucial role of a foster parent, many potential candidates wonder about their eligibility. There's a common belief that one must fit a specific mold to take on the responsibilities of foster care, but this is not the case. Being equipped with accurate knowledge about the requirements and understanding what might be an obstacle to becoming a foster parent is critical. Let's clear the air on who can and cannot be a foster parent.

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  • How_Foster_Care_Affects_Child_Development
    March 1, 2024

    The Impact of Foster Care on Child Development: Challenges and Opportunities


    The path to adulthood is a complex journey, shaped profoundly by the experiences of our childhood. For children in the foster care system, this journey carries additional weight and challenges, shaping their development in lasting ways.

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  • Whats_Foster_Care_Like
    Feb. 28, 2024

    What is Foster Care Like? Understanding the Journey and Embracing Change


    Entering foster care is one of the most challenging transitions a child may face. Displaced from familiar environments and people they trust, these young individuals are often handed only a trash bag to carry their belongings – a striking symbol of the chaos and uncertainty in their lives.

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  • foster
    Feb. 19, 2024

    Should I Foster A Child? 15 Things You Should Know Before Fostering

    Considering whether you should foster a child? Here are 15 things you need to know before beginning your fostering journey.

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  • Are_Foster_Care_Payments_Tax_Deductible_1000x500
    Feb. 14, 2024

    Are Foster Care Payments Taxable? Understanding Your Financial Journey as a Foster Parent


    Are Foster Care Payments Taxable? While financial matters are important, the heart of fostering lies in the invaluable act of providing love, security, and nurturing to children who need it most. In this post, we'll explore tax benefits and deductions available to foster parents, including the non-taxable status of payments and opportunities for further financial support. We'll also discuss claiming foster children as dependents and the rewarding impact of fostering beyond financial considerations. Whether you're considering fostering or seeking guidance as a caregiver, join us at Foster Love for insights and support in this meaningful journey.

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