• Disney Days 2022
    Jan. 26, 2024

    FAQ for Disney Days 2024

    To help answer your questions here is the FAQ for Disney Days 2023! Q. How Did Disney Days Start? A. 10 years ago our founder Danny decided to take some kids in foster care to Disneyland for his birthday. Rather than accepting gifts, his friends helped him fundraise and donate towards the first unofficial Disney Days. Q.…

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  • How To Become A Foster Parent
    Jan. 23, 2024

    Foster Care: A Guide to Becoming a Foster Parent


    Foster care is a system designed to provide temporary homes for children who cannot live with their families due to various reasons such as abuse, neglect, or abandonment. In the United States, an estimated 430,000 children are in foster care, with over 20,000 aging out of the system every year. Becoming a foster parent is a fulfilling journey that definitely comes with its challenges. It is an opportunity to provide a safe and loving home to vulnerable children and make a positive impact on their lives. In this blog post, we will discuss what foster care is and a step-by-step guide on how to become a foster parent.

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  • GiftofGratitudeLuncheon_12_1000x500
    Dec. 5, 2023

    Unwrapping the Magic of Foster Love's Gifts of Gratitude

    Feel Good Friday Events Recap

    The holiday season is all about spreading love and joy, and what better way to do so than by giving back to those who need it the most. Foster Love, a nonprofit organization that works towards supporting foster kids across America, recently held its first-ever Gifts of Gratitude event just in time for the holidays. To provide gifts and necessities to those who need them the most, Foster Love curated an array of items that would bring a smile to the faces of many kids in foster care.

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  • Maurissa-Blog
    Oct. 6, 2023

    Maurissa’s Inspiring Journey to Being Adopted as an Adult

    Meet Maurissa S, who shares her inspiring story of being adopted as an adult. Her childhood at home wasn't safe, but entering the foster system was a positive change. She bravely opens up about the traumatic experiences she faced as a young child. At 12, Maurissa entered foster care, and at 18, she aged out. However, there's more to her story. Discover how she found love and support from her maternal uncle and his wife during the holidays, which ultimately led to her being adopted at the age of 35. Her journey is a testament to resilience and the power of connection.

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  • Adult-Adoption
    Oct. 6, 2023

    Discover the Benefits of Adult Adoption

    Adult adoption is a fantastic solution for people who want to establish strong legal bonds with their loved ones, whether or not they are biologically related. Through adult adoption, you can gain a sense of belonging and security that might not be possible otherwise. Plus, you can access critical medical histories and financial opportunities that were previously unavailable. However, it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of the legal implications of adult adoption and seek the guidance of qualified legal experts before proceeding. With the right help, adult adoption can be an incredibly fulfilling and transformative experience for everyone involved.

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  • Brandsource
    Sept. 29, 2023

    From Foster Care to Skilled Trades: The Pathway Offered by Our BrandSource Scholarship

    Every young person deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams and achieve their highest potential, but for foster youth, the journey to higher education is often met with challenges that many don't have to face. Statistics show that only 10% of former foster youth manage to obtain a college degree, highlighting a systemic issue that demands our attention. However, organizations like Foster Love and BrandSource are stepping up to address this issue head-on, providing vital support and much-needed resources to foster youth who aspire to pursue higher education.

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  • 4Z3A1002
    Sept. 29, 2023

    Empowering Dreams: Foster Love's Family Fellowship Scholarship

    Foster Love, a beacon of hope for foster youth, has been tirelessly working to bridge the gap in higher education access. The Family Fellowship Scholarship, is a testament to their dedication. Thanks to the generous support of Hope and Robert F. Smith, Foster Love has been able to provide foster youth with a transformative opportunity – the chance to pursue a college degree without the burdensome weight of financial constraints. With each student awarded up to $60,000, Foster Love is not only offering financial relief but also a chance for these young individuals to break free from the cycle of limited opportunity.

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  • Brandy_TeamOlaf_165_1000x500
    Sept. 28, 2023

    Foster Love's Disney Days: Bringing Magic to Sibling Reunification

    Foster Love's Disney Days event is more than just a day trip to Disneyland. It is the largest sibling reunification event in the country. This monumental event brings siblings together, even if just for a day, to reinstill their sense of love and belonging. Heartbreakingly, nearly 70% of children who enter the foster care system alongside their siblings are unable to remain housed with their brothers and sisters. Our Disney Days event brings families back together, providing them with the stability and connection they desperately need.

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  • FosterLovexMacys_Austin-1
    Sept. 6, 2023

    Empowering Futures: A Shopping Spree for College Foster Youth

    Navigating the journey from foster care to higher education is no small feat. Nationally, only 10% of foster youth achieve a college degree due to financial and emotional challenges. However, events like this shopping spree, fueled by Macy's support, break down those barriers, offering not just material resources but hope and empowerment.

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  • Rafael-2
    Sept. 6, 2023

    Transforming Lives: The American Industries Scholarship

    In the world of scholarships and opportunities, there exists a remarkable initiative known as the American Industries Scholarship. While this scholarship might not be a household name, its impact on the lives of young individuals, particularly those from foster care backgrounds, is nothing short of life-changing. Today, we'd like to introduce you to Rafael, a resilient young man who has been profoundly affected by this program.

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  • GalaAwardsAuction.2e16d0ba.fill-1000x500
    Aug. 15, 2023

    10 Students Selected for Foster Love's 2023 Family Fellowship Scholarship Program

    Foster Love has announced the 10 deserving students who have been chosen for their Family Fellowship College Scholarship Program. This one-of-a-kind scholarship provides eligible former and current foster youth with up to $60,000 towards their college expenses. We are proud to recognize these students for their tenacity, hard work, and determination. Not only do we provide financial support, but we also offer exciting rafting excursions and college readiness classes with our staff. The Family Fellowship is the largest college scholarship available for youth aging out of the foster care system in America. These students represent the future and we are thrilled to be a part of their journey.

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  • Gala Blog Image
    July 28, 2023

    Celebrating Success: A Look Back at the Inaugural Foster Love Gala

    The inaugural Foster Love Gala was a resounding success, raising both money and awareness for the foster care community. With 15 years of hard work and dedication behind us, it was truly a joy to celebrate our achievements and reflect on the impact we have made so far. From the countless volunteers and donors who have supported us along the way to the many new faces we met at the gala, we are excited to continue changing the world for children in foster care.

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  • BryianaDyrdek
    July 27, 2023

    Advocating for Foster Care Community: The Social Advocacy Award

    The foster care community is often overlooked and underrepresented in our society. Foster children and families face many challenges that require the unwavering support and advocacy of individuals and organizations alike. Advocating for the needs of the foster care community is not just important, but imperative.

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  • Hope-x-Family-Fellowship-5
    July 20, 2023

    Celebrating the Founder's Award and the Extraordinary Achievements of Hope and Robert F. Smith

    During the momentous inaugural Foster Love Gala held on July 13th of this year, it was with utmost pleasure that we bestowed the prestigious Founders Award upon the remarkable change-makers Hope and Robert F. Smith. This well-deserved recognition stands as a testament to the extraordinary positive impact they have made in the lives of at-risk individuals and families. The compassionate work of both Hope and Robert F. Smith has left an indelible mark on countless lives. From spearheading pivotal and unprecedented academic opportunities for at-risk youth to engaging in far-reaching philanthropic initiatives that enhance community health globally, their profound dedication has uplifted the lives of thousands of vulnerable individuals in need of support. As we celebrate these inspiring achievements, let us take a closer look at the qualities and actions that truly make Hope and Robert F. Smith deserving recipients of the coveted Founders Award.

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  • Disney-Days-Recap-2023
    May 25, 2023

    Disney Days at Walt Disney World Blog

    We cannot thank our community enough for making Disney Days at Walt Disney World truly magical. Every year, we are amazed by the support shown towards this event and this year was no exception. Thanks to you, we were able to reunite 100 siblings who are separated in foster care. It truly was a labor of love, one that would not have been possible without the dedication and selflessness of our volunteers, donors, and agency partners. Your contributions allowed us to make unforgettable memories for these children and their families.

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  • How To Become A Foster Parent
    May 24, 2023

    How To Become a Foster Parent - The 5 Step Guide

    Unlock the Possibilities of Becoming a Foster Parent

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  • Disney Days
    Sept. 29, 2022

    Thank You For Making Disney Days 2022 Magical

    Thank You For Making Disney Days 2022 Magical Thank you for making Disney Days 2022 magical. Without the support of our community, reunification events like Disney Days would not be possible. Together, we raised enough funds to take 207 siblings separated by their foster care placement to Disneyland. This labor of love is only possible…

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  • IMG_7092
    Sept. 9, 2022

    Former Foster Youth Shares Her Experience as a Teen in Foster Care

    There is a common misconception that teens and older children are more difficult to foster than other age groups. Although there can be challenging situations we know that most teens and older children in foster care just want a safe home and someone who cares about them! Today we’re happy to share the story of…

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  • June 2, 2022

    7 Fun Activities To Stay Cool This Summer With Your Foster Family

    7 fun activities to stay cool this summer with your foster family. Enjoy these hot takes from Foster Love - Together We Rise leading foster care nonprofit.

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  • June 2, 2022

    7 Bonding Activities To Do With Your Foster Family

    Try these 7 bonding activities to do with your foster family. Foster Love - Together We Rise is a nationwide children’s nonprofit helping foster families.

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  • pexels-cottonbro-4065891
    May 24, 2022

    Five Things Foster Parents Should Know About Safeguarding Kids’ Digital Safety

    Foster youth are more vulnerable to digital crime in a number of ways. They face a different set of challenges compared to other children, which means their personal information may be more likely to be compromised online, and are at higher risk of falling victim to identity theft. Additionally, foster youth often move around a…

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  • pexels-august-de-richelieu-4260750
    May 11, 2022

    Five Things Foster Youth Should Know About Digital Safety

    Children have always been attractive targets of digital thieves. They have clean, typically unmonitored credit reports that offer criminals ample time to cause substantial damage to the child’s credit. Often, this fraud goes unnoticed until the victim reaches adulthood and applies for their first credit card, job, home, or anything else that might require a…

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  • pexels-albert-rafael-1101732
    April 27, 2022

    An Unexpected Adoption Journey

    An Unexpected Adoption Journey Have you ever considered adoption? Many people feel a calling to adopt or make the decision as a couple to share their love and forever family. Or sometimes life just throws you a curveball! This is exactly what happened when Tracey received a phone call that led to her unexpected adoption…

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  • Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 10.24.07 AM
    April 21, 2022

    Concrete Collaborative Partners With Together We Rise Bringing New Office To Life

    Concrete Collaborative Partners With Foster Love - Together We Rise Bringing New Office To Life Foster Love - Together We Rise is constantly growing and adapting to the needs of the foster care community. Thanks to our supporters we’ve been able to expand our HQ in Brea, creating a multipurpose space for events and resources. Danny, our founder, and CEO is…

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  • pexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457568
    April 21, 2022

    Verition Partners with Together We Rise to Support Foster Youth

    Foster Love - Together We Rise is only as strong as its volunteers and partners. Without their support and dedication, we would not be able to reach as many foster youth nationwide. One of our greatest joys is connecting with organizations that want to make a difference in their community. Verition Fund Management LLC (“Verition”) is one of…

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