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    April 20, 2022

    Blended Family Fosters and Adopts Five Siblings

    Blended Family Fosters and Adopts Five Siblings Looking after a big family can be hard work but it can also be immensely rewarding. Just ask Kevin and Roberta! These two married in November 2020 and brought their four children together to create a happy blended family. But the adventure didn’t stop there! Kevin and Roberta…

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    April 19, 2022

    Moms Going Through Reunification

    Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate all mothers. But for moms going through reunification it can be a difficult time. The weeks leading up to Mother’s day can be a bittersweet reminder of the time lost with their children. Every day can be a small battle to meet their assigned goals. As a…

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  • JessCastillo_37
    April 15, 2022

    Q&A With Former Foster Youth Turned Author Jessica C.

    With Foster Care Awareness Month just around the corner, we wanted to lift the voices of former foster youth. Part of the goal of Foster Care Awareness Month is to shed light on the lived experiences of those who’ve been in the foster care system. Today we spoke with Jessica C. an author and advocate…

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  • April 12, 2022

    Graduation Season For Foster Youth

    Graduation Season For Foster Youth It’s that time of year again! Graduation season is in full swing, and thousands of foster youth are moving on to the next chapter in their lives. We want to congratulate current and former foster youth graduates who have worked hard and studied for long hours over the years! We’re…

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    April 8, 2022

    Q&A with Kent Bennett from the LA Department of Children & Family Services

    Q&A with Kent Bennett from the LA Department of Children & Family Services Foster Love - Together We Rise is able to reach foster youth because of our amazing foster agency partners across the United States. A secondary goal to our mission is to uplift and educate people about what is actually happening within the foster care community.…

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    April 6, 2022

    6 Summer Activities for Foster Families

    6 Summer Activities for Foster Families We all have fond memories of childhood summers. Hanging out with friends all day long or laughing while doing fun activities with our families. The first day of summer vacation is every kid’s favorite day! Summer activities also provide the perfect opportunity for foster families to bond and make…

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    April 6, 2022

    4 Ways to Show Appreciation to Foster Moms

    4 Ways to Show Appreciation to Foster Moms For many people, Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the important women in their lives. There are many foster moms who go above and beyond to provide love and support for every child in their foster home. If you know a foster mom, one of…

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    April 1, 2022

    How To Get Involved During National Volunteer Month 2022

    How To Get Involved During National Volunteer Month 2022 April is National Volunteer Month! There are plenty of ways to get involved and help celebrate the importance of volunteering. Whether you’re looking to lend a hand in your community or want to participate in a virtual volunteer opportunity from home. There’s something for everyone! Find…

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    March 31, 2022

    5 Benefits of Doing a Team Build with Your Company

    5 Benefits of Doing a Team Build with Your Company Having a healthy work environment and a sense of fulfillment is important to people in today’s workforce. Many companies are achieving this by implementing team build events into their workplace culture. And it’s no wonder why, as studies show that when employees feel like their…

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    March 29, 2022

    7 Reasons Why You Should Do A Virtual Service Activity

    7 Reasons Why You Should Do A Virtual Service Activity Are you looking for a way to give back to the community but have a busy schedule? Virtual Service Activities are a great and flexible way to make a difference and safely volunteer from anywhere. Foster Love - Together We Rise created a variety of Virtual Service Projects…

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    March 9, 2022

    Foster Care Helps A Forever Love Find A Forever Family of 10

    Foster Care Helps A Forever Love Find A Forever Family Of 10 Many people use foster care to find or complete their forever family, the Balls, however, found so much more. First things first, Abby and Tony Ball have known each other since Elementary School. While they didn’t stay in touch past that, their playground…

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    March 7, 2022

    Social Worker Appreciation Month 2022

    Social Worker Appreciation Month 2022 Did you know that March is Social Worker Appreciation Month? While it is only one month, we celebrate social workers all year round. Without social workers, Foster Love - Together We Rise wouldn’t be able to reach as many children in foster care. Without social workers, the world would be a darker place.…

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    March 3, 2022

    Former Foster Youth Finds A Kidney Donor In New Mom

    Former Foster Youth Finds A Kidney Donor In New Mom Foster parents open their hearts and home to diverse children with varying needs, including medical ailments. Jeanne and Eli Backer have been fostering children in Louisanna since 2013. In 2019 their lives changed completely with their new foster placement Jaxon aka Jack-Jack. In Search of a…

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    Feb. 25, 2022

    Lifting Foster Youth at Heritage Homes

    Lifting Foster Youth at Heritage Homes Foster Love - Together We Rise’s ability to help foster youth is dependent upon our community partners and friends. Today we want to gush over our friends at Heritage Homes. They recently came to pick up some donations and gave us some insight into how we help the foster community. Meet Deonne…

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  • unnamedadfa
    Feb. 16, 2022

    Behind The Family Fellowship – Robert and Hope Smith

    Let’s take a look at the biggest supporters of our Family Fellowship scholarship, Robert and Hope Smith. Since 2015, Foster Love - Together We Rise and Fund ll Foundation’s partnership has helped dozens of former foster youth achieve their academic goals through the Family Fellowship scholarship. The founding director and president of the Fund II Foundation, Robert F. Smith,…

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    Feb. 11, 2022

    4 Fun Valentine’s Day Team Building Activities In 2022

    4 Fun Valentine’s Day Team Building Activities In 2022 Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we have 4 fun Valentine’s Day team building activities for you in 2022. There is way more to Valentine’s Day than romantic love. The pandemic is still a part of our lives in 2022, it comes as a…

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    Feb. 10, 2022

    Making a Difference with Mercedes-Benz USA

    Making a Difference with Mercedes-Benz USA Foster Love - Together We Rise and Mercedes-Benz USA met in Atlanta, Georgia on January 25th for our first in-person team building event of 2022! Mercedes-Benz USA is committed to uplifting the community through philanthropic partnerships that empower the next generation. “We live and work in communities that do not always have…

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    Feb. 10, 2022

    Help Celebrate Thalia’s 50 Years Of Fostering

    Help Celebrate Thalia’s 50 Years Of Fostering This week for Feel Good Friday we want to honor the amazing Thalia Thornton for her 50 years of fostering. Since 1972, the 85-year-old has helped raise more than 700 children in her Oceanport, NJ home. According to Angela Allora, a retired nurse who worked for New Jersey’s…

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  • Feb. 5, 2022

    Help Kids in Foster Care During Black History Month

    Help Kids in Foster Care During Black History Month Black History Month is a time to honor the contributions and legacy of black and African Americans across U.S. history and society—from activists and civil rights pioneers to leaders in industry, politics, science, culture, and more. As Foster Love - Together We Rise continues to honor the achievements of our fellow…

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    Feb. 5, 2022

    5 Reasons Why You Should Foster Teens

    5 Reasons Why You Should Foster Teens Teens in foster care often get a bad rap. We can all agree that there is a general misconception when it comes to teens, think of sayings like, “the teenage years,” or “troubled teens.” So when it comes to fostering, many people prefer to start with younger children.…

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    Feb. 4, 2022

    Former Foster Youth Gives Back As National Mullet Contest Winner

    Former Foster Youth Gives Back As National Mullet Contest Winner When Allan and Alice were only four years old, they were placed in the foster home of Derek & Lesli Baltz. The couple became their forever family because reunification with their birth parents was not an option for this pair. However, destiny had other plans…

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    Jan. 27, 2022

    Bush Animal Clinic Help Local Foster Youth With Together We Rise

    Bush Animal Clinic Help Local Foster Youth With Foster Love - Together We Rise Since 2015 the Bush Animal Clinic has partnered with Foster Love - Together We Rise to help local foster youth. Together with the local community Bush Animal Clinic in Albany, Georgia raised enough funds to sponsor five different service activities. This year their goal is to fundraise and…

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    Jan. 21, 2022

    Feel Good Friday- Help Celebrate Nico’s Gotcha Day

    Feel Good Friday- Help Celebrate Nico’s Gotcha Day It is Feel Good Friday and there is a lot to be grateful for. Today we ask you to help us celebrate Nico’s Gotcha Day! You may be wondering, what is a “Gotcha Day?” Well, that my friends, depends on who you ask. Many people view it…

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    Dec. 23, 2021

    Holiday Shopping Sprees 2021 Brings Holiday Cheer to 100 Teens in Foster Care

    Holiday Shopping Sprees 2021 Foster Love - Together We Rise is so grateful to be back and hosting our 2021 Holiday Shopping Sprees. The pandemic continues to hold a lot of uncertainty for foster youth and their families. Offering this event helps bring joy to teens, especially since they are able to pick out exactly what they’d like.…

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  • Dec. 16, 2021

    Tips on Introducing a New Placement to Your Friends and Family

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